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Foundations Class - Tuesdays, 7 PM, Room 1 (CANCELLED TONIGHT)

Room 1

The Foundations Class is an in depth Bible study of the foundational beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists. Whether you are a longtime member or desire to prepare for baptism, this class is for you! For more information, contact Pastor Myles - 602-571-8600 - Email click (here). Zoom option is available. This class is cancelled tonight. See…

Event Series Prayer Meeting - Chapel

Prayer Meeting - Sanctuary


Everyone is invited to Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays, 6:30 PM, in the Sanctuary. Come worship & pray together, as we lift our petitions to God with thanksgiving and praise. To contact the Prayer Ministry Director Glen Williams, call or text, 480-698-0927.

Ladies Dine Out

All ladies are invited to join the monthly gathering for good food and conversation. The day and time alternate each month, either Wednesday lunch at 11:30 or Mondays, dinner at 6:30. It's always a good time! Come and join the fun. This month's location is: Pacific Seafood Buffet, 5905 W. Bell Rd, 6:30 PM. If…

Event Series Prayer Meeting - Chapel

Prayer Meeting - Sanctuary


Everyone is invited to Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays, 6:30 PM, in the Sanctuary. Come worship & pray together, as we lift our petitions to God with thanksgiving and praise. To contact the Prayer Ministry Director Glen Williams, call or text, 480-698-0927.