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Young Adult Lunch - Almeida's Home

Almeida's Home 18729 N. 77th Ave, Glendale, Arizona

All Young Adults are invited and welcome to lunch at the Almeida Home following the 11:10 worship service. Come for good food and fellowship, and stay as long as you like! Address: 18729 N. 77th Ave. , Glendale. If you have any questions, call Cliff, 623-521-1418.

Event Series Christmas Choir Rehearsal

Christmas Choir Rehearsal

Anyone interested in singing in this year's Christmas Concert is welcome to join the Concert Choir. Rehearsals are each Sabbath, 3:00-5:00 PM, in the Sanctuary. The Christmas Concert is December 17, 4:00 & 7:00 PM. For more information, contact Minister of Music Dennis Marsollier, 602-697-6844.

Game Social

The Game Social is open to anyone who likes to have fun and meet new people. Come, join the fun and bring a game if you have one you would like to share, Sunday, December 11, 4:00 PM, Room 1. For more information, call Mike Feldbush, 602-350-4980.

Event Series Prayer Room Open

Prayer Room Open

Prayer Room 6801 North 43rd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Anyone who would like to have a quiet place to pray alone or with someone, is welcome to use the Prayer Room before first service, 8:00 am-8:30 am, or after second service for 30 minutes (about 12:45pm - 1:15pm).