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GAA Book Fair

Fellowship Hall

Glenview is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair in the Fellowship Hall. This is a fundraiser for the school. Books make great gifts! Call the school for more information, 623-931-1846.

GAA Book Fair

Fellowship Hall

Glenview is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair in the Fellowship Hall. This is a fundraiser for the school. Books make great gifts! Call the school for more information, 623-931-1846.

Pathfinder Camporee

Room 1

Pathfinder Club is for children ages 10-15. If interested please contact Pathfinder Directors Carol Ramirez, 602-393-8521, or Sandra Ramirez, 602-488-8628.

Bell Choir

GAA Music Room

Handbell Instructor: Claudia Marsollier, 602-770-4224

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal


Anyone who would like to join the choir is welcome! For more information, contact Minister of Music Dennis Marsollier, 602-697-6844.

All-Church Potluck

Gym & Kitchen & FH

Everyone is invited to the All-Church Potluck, regularly scheduled on the first Sabbath of each month, but was moved due to other calendar events. Please plan to join us for good food and fellowship. Visitors - lunch is on us. Members, please bring a dish to share, write your name on the dish, and take…

Pathfinder Camporee

Room 1

Pathfinder Club is for children ages 10-15. If interested please contact Pathfinder Directors Carol Ramirez, 602-393-8521, or Sandra Ramirez, 602-488-8628.

Kids' Choir

Room 6 6801 North 43rd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Children ages 4-12 are invited to join the Kids' Choir. Practices are Sabbath mornings, 9-10 a.m. For more information, contact Cintia Woods,

Parents in Prayer

Prayer Room 6801 North 43rd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Special time to focus on prayer for children and grandchildren.