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Ladies Dine Out

All ladies are invited to join the monthly gathering for good food and conversation. The day and time alternate each month, either Wednesday lunch at 11:30 or Mondays, dinner at…

AAJ Bible Study & Discussion

Room 1

What - All About Jesus Small Group Purpose - Fellowship, Prayer, Life of Jesus Bible discussion When - Monday nights 7:00pm - 8:30pm Where - Glendale SDA Church, Room 1…

Bible Study

Room 1

Have you ever wanted to read through the Bible? All are welcome to join this Bible study reading through the Bible, each Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in Room 1. If…

Foundations Class

Room 1

This class is an in depth Bible study of the foundational beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists. Whether you are a longtime member or desire to prepare for baptism, this class is…


Church Office

Send announcements and other pertinent information to Patty at / 623-934-3294, and to Claudia Henry, / 916-501-5230

Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting is for anyone wishing to seek God and His will for His people. Prayer Meeting will be held via video confernce until further notice. To join, contact Ron…

Prayer Meeting

Video Conference

Prayer Meeting is for anyone wishing to seek God and His will for His people. Prayer Meeting will be held via video conference until further notice. To join, contact Ron…

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal


Anyone who would like to join the choir is welcome! For more information, contact Minister of Music Dennis Marsollier, 602-697-6844.

Parents in Prayer

Prayer Room 6801 North 43rd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Special time to focus on prayer for children and grandchildren.

Adult Sabbath School


Everyone is welcome to join this Adult Sabbath School Class in the Sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. studying the Quarterly.

Children's Sabbath School


Room 4: Primary Sabbath School for ages 0-4. Sarah Porretta leader. Room 5: Kindergarten Sabbath School for ages 4-6. Carol Ramirez leader. Room 6: Primary Class, grades 1-4, no registration…