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Event Series Christmas Choir Rehearsal

Christmas Choir Rehearsal

Anyone interested in singing in this year's Christmas Concert is welcome to join the Concert Choir. Rehearsals are each Sabbath, 3:00-5:00 PM, in the Sanctuary. The Christmas Concert is December 17, 4:00 & 7:00 PM. For more information, contact Minister of Music Dennis Marsollier, 602-697-6844.

Prayer Breakfast: A Time of Remembrance


Everyone is invited to the Prayer Breakfast Sunday, November 13, 9:00 - 11:00 AM, in the Fellowship Hall. The theme is "A Time of Remembrance," in honor and remembrance of loved ones who have passed away, whether in the past year or it has been years. Come support one another in this beautiful time of…

Game Social

Room 1

The Game Social is open to anyone who likes to have fun and meet new people. Come, join the fun and bring a game if you have one you would like to share, Sunday, November 13, 4:00 PM, Room 1. For more information, call Mike Feldbush, 602-350-4980.

Ladies Dine Out

Bangkok Thai Restaurant 13828 N. 51st Ave., Glendale, AZ

All ladies are invited to the monthly Ladies Dine Out for good food and conversation. This month's date and location is Wednesday, November 16, 12:00 PM, at Bangkok Thai Restaurant, 13828 N. 51st Ave, Glendale. If interested, sign-up at the Lobby counter or call/ text Connie, 602-451-5853.

ABC Bookmobile

Church Parking Lot

The Adventist Book Center Bookmobile will be at the Glendale Church parking lot, Wednesday, November 16, 3:00-4:30 PM. It is a mini version of the store on wheels. It is filled with Christian books, Bibles, gifts, music, and vegetarian food! If there is something specific you would like, please place a pre-order by calling, 480-991-8501, or email:…