Bible Study
Room 1Have you ever wanted to read through the Bible? All are welcome to join this Bible study reading through the Bible, each Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in Room 1. If interested, please call Maureen McHugh, 303-903-5486.
Foundations Class
Room 1This class is an in depth Bible study of the foundational beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists. Whether you are a longtime member or desire to prepare for baptism, this class is for you! For more information, contact Pastor Myles, 602-571-8600. Zoom option is available.
Kids' Choir
Room 6 6801 North 43rd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United StatesChildren ages 4-12 are invited to join the Kids' Choir. Practices are Sabbath mornings, 9-10 a.m. For more information, contact Cintia Woods,
Parents in Prayer
Prayer Room 6801 North 43rd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United StatesSpecial time to focus on prayer for children and grandchildren.
Pathfinder Club Meeting
GymPathfinder Club is for children ages 10-15. If interested please contact Pathfinder Directors Carol Ramirez, 602-393-8521, or Sandra Ramirez, 602-488-8628.
GAA Book Fair
Fellowship HallGlenview is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair in the Fellowship Hall. This is a fundraiser for the school. Books make great gifts! Call the school for more information, 623-931-1846.
8:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship (Everyone Welcome)
SanctuaryTo view 8:30 & 11:10 live-stream online. Go to: