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Adult S.S.

Room A

Adult Sabbath School led by Doug Bowers. All are welcome!

Adult Sabbath School


Everyone is welcome to join this Adult Sabbath School Class in the Sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. studying the Quarterly.

Children's Sabbath School


Room 4: Primary Sabbath School for ages 0-4. Sarah Porretta leader. Room 5: Kindergarten Sabbath School for ages 4-6. Carol Ramirez leader. Room 6: Primary Class, grades 1-4, no registration required. Masks are optional. Shirley Wall leader. Room 2: Juniors Class, grades 5-6, no registration required. Masks are required. Ike Nwazue leader. Chapel: Junior High…

Spanish S.S.

Room 1

Anyone wishing to join a Sabbath School Class where the Quarterly is taught in Spanish is welcome. A Zoom option is available. For more information, contact Estrella, 623-986-5945.

Women's Bible Study


All ladies are invited to join this Bible study class - reading through the Bible. Come and join the daily reading and discussion. You will be blessed.

Young Adult - S.S.

Room C

Everyone is welcome to join the Young Adult Sabbath School Bible Study meeting in Room C (sounth hallway along Sanctuary).

Ethiopian Group

Ethiopian group meets in Room 3. For more information, call Dedefo Duguna, 602-918-7321.

Rental Group-1


Renters - Christ View Church Pastor Gordon & Jean Douglas 602-460-8878, Jean's email:

Ladies Dine Out

All ladies are invited to join the monthly gathering for good food and conversation. The day and time alternate each month, either Wednesday lunch at 11:30 or Mondays, dinner at 6:30. It's always a good time! Come and join the fun. This month's location is: To sign up please stop by the lobby counter at…

AAJ Bible Study & Discussion

Room 1

What - All About Jesus Small Group Purpose - Fellowship, Prayer, Life of Jesus Bible discussion When - Monday nights 7:00pm - 8:30pm Where - Glendale SDA Church, Room 1 Who - Everyone is invited! Contact - Mike Feldbush 602-350-4980 (calls or text messages welcome) Masks - not required during the small group but social…