All-Church Potluck
Gym & Kitchen & FHEveryone is invited to the All-Church Potluck on the first Sabbath of each month for good food and fellowship immediately following the 11:10 service.
Christmas Choir Rehearsal
Anyone interested in singing in this year's Christmas Concert is welcome to join the Concert Choir. Rehearsals are each Sabbath, 3:00-5:00 PM, in the Sanctuary. The Christmas Concert is December 17,…
Men's Breakfast
GymAll men are invited to the Men's Breakfast for good food and fellowship, Sunday, November 6, 9:00-11:00 AM, in the Gym. For more information, call Pastor Eddie, 602-413-3508.
Read the Bible Together - Mondays, 3:30 PM, Room 1
Room 1Have you ever wanted to read through the Bible? All are welcome to join this Bible study reading through the Bible, each Monday at 3:30 p.m. in Room 1. If…
All About Jesus Bible Study & Discussion - Mondays, 7 PM, Room 1
Room 1What - All About Jesus Small Group Purpose - Fellowship, Prayer, Life of Jesus Bible discussion When - Monday nights 7:00pm - 8:30pm Where - Glendale SDA Church, Room 1…
Foundations Class - Tuesdays, 7 PM, Room 1
Room 1The Foundations Class is an in depth Bible study of the foundational beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists. Whether you are a longtime member or desire to prepare for baptism, this class…
Glendale Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
SanctuaryAnyone is welcome to join the Glendale Sanctuary Choir. Rehearsals are every Friday at 7:00 PM, 09/09/22 - 05/12/23. If interested, contact Minister of Music Dennis Marsollier, 602-697-6844.
Live-Stream at 8:30 am & 11:10 am:
Prayer Room Open
Prayer Room 6801 North 43rd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United StatesAnyone who would like to have a quiet place to pray alone or with someone, is welcome to use the Prayer Room before first service, 8:00 am-8:30 am, or after…
Contemporary Worship (Everyone Welcome)
SanctuaryRelaxed, informal worship event, with a worship band. Live Streamed at
Contemporary Worship (Everyone Welcome)
SanctuaryRelaxed, informal worship event, with a worship band. Live Streamed at